US Current Events

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Safecracker in Texas

You read it right not only cowboys in Texas anymore. Their is a burglar
(Fox News is saying boogler) that apparently is breaking into Texas' businesses and entering the safes (very easily the way it seems).
He/She even went so far as leaving a note that read in one of them
"Come on guys, for real, " the note read, with an arrow pointing toward the safe.
at a Linens and thing another note read, "Happy Birthday from your friendly rooftop Boogler."
At a Western Warehouse in Dallas, the presumptuous prose read: "Come on, get a real safe, rooftop boogler strikes again."
They have very little evidence against the perpatraitor but leaving a calling card, the notes, hopefully will be the suspects demise.
If I were them (Texas Investigators) i would start with locksmiths names, do a background check on the ones in Texas


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